
This is Verde

Amongst my full time job, my commissions and a variety of other personal projects, I have managed to squeeze in yet another project. I'm enjoying it so much that it doesn't matter that I spend my little free time working on it. 

For "This is Verde" I created a female character called Verde. Verde represents the contemporary woman. She is beautiful, kind, strong and curious. Verde has an obsession with hats and wherever you see her, you will see her black cat, Ringo.

As with my other artistic projects, in 'This is Verde'I wanted to put a spotlight on the simple rituals of everyday life, but inject them with beauty through dramatic clothing / accessories, elegance and grace. I guess one could say that this is my ideal portrayal of a woman doing her everyday rituals.

I really wanted to experiment with simplifying my work in this project. I have always been a fan of simplistic form, which is why I love doing fashion illustration. Here I wanted to combine that idea with a curious flat colour scheme. Matisse is a major inspiration in how I am composing the colour and composition. I'm also very much inspired by Garance Dore's minimal illustrations and her use of white space.  Colour in particular, was never a priority in my work, so in this project I wanted it to shine, by eliminating outline and only introducing line to complement the composition of the colour and as a separator. 

If you want to follow my work for This is Verde, you can visit / follow my Tumblr Page.